On November 17, the Government of the Canary Islands and Ecoembes launched the campaign ‘Proud to Recycle’ which aims to reinforce the message of the importance of citizen collaboration in the recycling process.
‘Proud to Recycle‘ will be present until December 16 in the main media (press, radio, internet or television) and in outdoor advertising media (billboards, booths…), through different images and landscapes that reflect what we feel “proud” of (landscapes, mountains, rivers…) in order to promote the care of our environment for the construction of a sustainable future.
The Canary Islanders are increasingly committed, as reflected in the data of the latest study commissioned by the Vice-Ministry of the Environment of the Canary Islands Government and Ecoembes. Some 82% of the population says that they separate the packaging deposited in the yellow, green and blue containers on a daily basis for subsequent recycling. Also, the percentage of improprieties recorded last year also indicates that the Canary Islanders make very few mistakes when recycling, located in 18.1% of waste deposited incorrectly, compared to 30% national average.
This type of awareness campaigns and actions are developed through the action plan launched by the Government of the Canary Islands and Ecoembes within the framework agreement signed by both entities in April. The action plan is aimed at encouraging citizen collaboration and participation in the recycling of packaging, as well as promoting improvements in the infrastructure of the collection and recycling process.