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5- Beyond Earth Hour: Activities to do during the “blackout” and habits to fight climate change every day

| Environment, Events

PROTISA Productos Tinerfeños will join the #HoradelPlaneta this Saturday to contribute to the 60-minute ‘blackout’ that will generate a positive social, economic and environmental impact. Therefore, from our organization we wanted to compile some ideas of activities to be carried out during the campaign, as well as daily actions for the care of the environment.

In any organization, we can take advantage of the unique opportunity this initiative provides to engage employees and customers. Some ways to do this include:

  • Stablish weekly shifts among employees to ensure that lights and all appliances are turned off at the end of each workday.
  • Promote #PlanetTime among workers, suppliers and customers through: social networks, web, newsletter or any communication tool used in your organization to reach as many people as possible.
  • Use the free support materials provided by WWF for the occasion.
  • Avoid as much as possible the use of printing and photocopying.
  • Turn off all electronic devices (printers, monitors, coffee makers…) when they are not going to be used for a long period of time.
  • Use the recycling garbage cans in your business, as well as make information panels on how and why to recycle.
  • Carpooling or using public transport to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Team meeting to propose Corporate Social Responsibility actions in our organization.

Likewise, we will also be able to enjoy activities with friends, partners and/or family on #PlanetHour by organizing a dinner in which everyone prepares a dish that does not require the use of electricity for its preparation. Generate an environment of debate on measures that we must take to address climate change. Play cards or board games, participate in the activities organized in your city for this initiative, enjoy an evening stroll… Or simply take advantage of the moment of disconnection to reflect on our habits and consider new daily actions to reduce our carbon footprint.

Remember that it is not only 60 minutes, but we must be aware and change our habits on a daily basis:

  • switching off the lights whenever we leave a room
  • change the way we receive our bills to electronic format in order to save paper
  • recycle
  • use public transport whenever possible…

Among other small actions that will contribute to a big change.