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120 NGOs join ‘Global Vision Paper’ to promote sustainability in the paper industry

| Environment

The European Environmental Paper Network (EEPN) is made up of more than 100 non-governmental organizations worldwide that aim to inform the paper sector and create a shared vision based on the sustainability of the paper industry.

A few days ago they launched ‘Global Vision Paper’, an initiative that has the support of 120 NGOs from six continents that have united under the campaign #WhatsInYourPaper to promote sustainable practices in paper manufacturers.

‘Global Vision Paper’ proposes a world with new consumption patterns that meet needs. At the same time that production becomes less dependent on virgin fiber. And that it is replaced by fibers from responsible sources that protect biodiversity, which entails maximizing the use of recycled materials; they seek to ensure social responsibility; respect the territorial rights of local populations; reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide employment … and, in general terms, they seek to generate beneficial social and environmental impacts.

For more information, visit the website dedicated to the Global Vision Paper.